“Dentro il carcere”. Interviews with Mary Gibson, Patrizio Gonnella, Amir Issaa, Dacia Maraini and Maria Giustina Laurenzi on Imprisonment

Author di Elena Bellina e Matteo Brera


Imprisonment is a contested topic and, in the Italian context, new interest in captivity has recently emerged in response to the need of questioning the impact of a variety of forms of imprisonment on the national memory and identity in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The Italian case is an extremely fruitful testbed to evaluate to what extent the transformations occurred to culturally relevant forms of imprisonment through the last century have shaped the public discourse and have been represented in different contexts, thus contributing to actual social and cultural changes, especially during the recent COVID-19 and migrant crises. Continua a leggere “Dentro il carcere”. Interviews with Mary Gibson, Patrizio Gonnella, Amir Issaa, Dacia Maraini and Maria Giustina Laurenzi on Imprisonment

(fasc. 52, 31 luglio 2024)