Militancy and Revolution in the Art of Gruppo 70’s “Visual Poetry”

Author di Stefano Magni

It is customary to identify the Italian neo-avant-garde with the Gruppo 63. Scholars are familiar with its genesis, history, aesthetic choices, ideological debates, and the ideological fracture it experienced at the end of the 1960s, along with the decisions it made in the face of the student and worker movements. However, this prominent current overshadowed another concomitant neo-avant-garde movement that emerged in Italy along with Gruppo 63: visual poetry, represented at the beginning by GRUPPO 70. The Italian contingent played a significant role among the international verbal-visual avant-gardes and merits closer examination. Continua a leggere Militancy and Revolution in the Art of Gruppo 70’s “Visual Poetry”

(fasc. 52, 31 luglio 2024)